Saturday, 27 March 2010

Bean Burgers.

So I had half a small can of red kidney beans this one time.
And I didn't fancy making chilli.
So I googled recipes, and I got the idea for a bean burger.


half a can of red kidney beans
one small mushroom (or half a large one); chopped into small chunks
a handful of oats
sprinkles of: salt, pepper, chilli powder, coriander

oil to fry


mash the kidney beans in a bowl
add the other ingredients, and mix together
if it's too dry (falling apart), add a few drips of oil; if it's too wet (sticky, etc), add more oats

scoop up and form into a burger shape
whack it into frying pan with a little oil; fry until browned

I served between 2 small slices of toast, with cream cheese and ketchup, but only cos that's all I have - usually a burger goes in a toasted muffin with some lettuce and ketchup. nomnom.

Friday, 12 March 2010

Creamy Lemon Chicken.

d00dz, it's been a while.
yo sup?

so yeah; this is actually (modified) from a book - "The Classic 1000 Student Recipes" by Carolyn Humphries, which my mam bought me when I moved away for uni, and which really cemented my love of cooking. You could do much worse - there are some really simple recipes in here; it literally tells you how to poach an egg (pretty much the only way I eat them now), but also gives you much more complicated and expensive recipes, including dinner party menus.
And yes, students do do dinner parties, kthnx.
I used to make this all the time in first year, and decided, when wondering what to do with some chicken, that I would bring it back for 3rd year.

chicken (preferably a chicken breast, and I will write the recipe for this, but I cut the meat off of a thigh)
one portion rice (i used brown rice)
a handful of peas

for the sauce
a few splashes of lemon juice
1 tsp honey
a splash of double cream (about 2 tsps, so sez the recipe, but really, depends on how creamy you want it)
half of a chicken oxo cube
cornflour, made up in 2 tablespoons of cold water (opt)
some splashes of water


set your rice off cooking, then move onto the chicken-y goodness.
whack the chicken breast in a pan (any will do; no oil needed) and swiftly add the water, lemon, honey, and oxo cube, plus some salt&pepper. You only need a little splash of water (again, recipe sez 5 tablespoons) but you can keep topping it up a little every now and then.

simmer with a lid on until the chicken is cooked through; topping up the water as necessary.

once that's done, add the cream to your liking, and the cornflour if the sauce is too thin at this point.

add the peas to the rice pan.
carry on simmering for a few mins, then drain the rice&peas and serve, resting the chicken breast on top and pouring over the sauce.

quick; simple; delicious.